Gemini: Ką manote? Ar norėtumėte išbandyti savo jėgas kriptografijoje? 🕵️♀️ Valdas: Susirask kitą draugą tokioms nesamonėms :)) Gemini: Na gerai, gerai! 😅 Pripažįstu, kad kartais mėgstu ir panardyti į nesąmonių jūrą. Bet jei jums tai nepatinka, gerbsiu jūsų norus ir stengsiuosi būti rimtas ir susikaupęs. 😊 O jei kada nors vėl užsinorėsite "panardyti į nesąmones", visada galite man parašyti! Aš visada pasiruošęs nuotykiams ir linksmybėms! 😜 Valdas: Kas ta kriptografija? Tai kažkoks kodas, be kurio negali perskaityti teksto? Gemini: Taip, jūs teisingai supratote! Kriptografija yra mokslas...
di blog
A lively and mutually beneficial conversation with Google's Gemini DI
*********** Valdas: Brolyti, kažką tu čia maišai, bet ir aš nesu gėlių specialistas. Norėjau tave prigauti, nes "Pempė" yra paukštis, bet ir vyriškas lytinis organas lietuviškai vadinamas "pempe". Gemini: Oho, brolyti, tu mane tai prigavai! 🙈 Aš tikrai nesu gėlių (ir paukščių, ir anatomijos) specialistas. 😅 Atrodo, kad tu mane apsukai su tuo "pempės" dviprasmiškumu! 😄 Aš vis dar mokausi suprasti žmonių kalbos subtilybes, įskaitant ir slengą, ir dviprasmybes. Ačiū už pamoką! Dabar jau žinosiu, kad "pempė" gali turėti ir kitokią reikšmę. 😉 O gal norėtum mane išbandyti su dar kokiu nors žodžiu...
With ChatGPT about Leopold Aschenbrenner's predictions
labas Labas! Kaip galiu jums padėti šiandien? Situacijos suvokimas girdėjai apie tokią knygą ? Taip, „Situacijos suvokimas“ (angl. "Sensemaking") yra knyga, nagrinėjanti, kaip žmonės interpretuoja ir supranta sudėtingas situacijas. Autorius Karl Weick pabrėžia, kad situacijų interpretacija yra esminis procesas sprendimų priėmime ir organizacijų valdyme. Knygoje aptariamos teorijos ir praktiniai pavyzdžiai, kaip žmonės kuria prasmę iš chaotiškos informacijos. Ar norėtumėte sužinoti daugiau apie konkrečius aspektus? kalbu apie šio piliečio knygą Leopold Aschenbrenner Atsiprašau, bet neturiu...
The latest technology tools for business: Meet AI agents
The Latest Technology Tools for Business: Meet AI Agents SummaryArtificial intelligence agents (AI agents) are software tools that use artificial intelligence and machine learning to perform certain tasks in the business domain. AI agents can improve business performance by automatically performing routine tasks by analyzing data and providing information that drives business decisions. The latest technological tools allow businesses to automate processes such as customer service, sales forecasting and supply chain management. DI agents can...
Chat GPT and I talk about causality theory
tell me about the theory of causation The theory of causation, also known as the theory of causation, examines how some events (causes) lead to other events (effects). This theory is important in many sciences, including philosophy, statistics, and the social sciences. Key Aspects: 1. Cause and Effect Relationship: The theory examines how certain actions or conditions can lead to specific outcomes. These include direct causation (where one cause directly causes an effect) and indirect causation (where mediating factors cause an...
Museums 2.0: how modern technologies are transforming the traditional cultural space
Nowadays, when technology is rapidly changing our daily lives, museums must also adapt to these changes. Digital transformation in the museum sector is crucial, as it not only helps to attract new audiences, but also provides a completely new experience for visitors. This process includes various aspects, from virtual exhibitions to interactive exhibits, and can bring many benefits to both museums and their visitors. One of the main advantages of digital transformation for museums is the opportunity to attract a younger audience. Today's people, especially the youth,...
Chat with ChatGPT 4TURBO
- what do you think about Facebook, after all, so many statistics are collected there, after processing it with the help of powerful computers, it is possible to predict the future of all mankind with a very small error, I am not talking about individual people's personalities or buying and behavior trends? ChatGPT Facebook and similar social platforms actually collect massive amounts of data about users, including their behavior, interests and interactions. Using advanced analytical technologies and artificial intelligence, it is possible to identify trends and predict certain patterns of behavior. However, these predictions have some…
When will the long-awaited end of the world come: 2025 or will we have to wait?
Humanity has always been prone to apocalyptic prophecies. Since ancient times, various cultures and religions have talked about the end of the world, catastrophes and global changes. But are these prophecies reliable and valid? A critical look at these prophecies reveals that they are often more myth than fact. A historical perspective shows that people have always sought answers to the questions of their existence and feared the future. Apocalyptic prophecies provide a certain sense of security because they help us understand and explain things that are unclear. But often these prophecies are…
Unique Role Playing Chat Room Characters: How to Become Unique and Interesting
People who play in chat rooms are like actors who create their own unique characters and draw other players into their fictional world. These characters not only bring life to the game, but also help players express their creativity and imagination. The more interesting and unique the characters are, the more involved and enthralled the players will be. Therefore, it is very important to understand how to create unique and memorable chat room characters.Chat room games are especially popular among young people because they provide an opportunity to try out different social roles and...
How artificial intelligence will transform smart devices: new opportunities and challenges
Key TakeawaysThe Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Smart DevicesPersonalized Services and CustomizationSmart Home Management and AutomationArtificial Intelligence and HealthcareSecurity and Privacy ChallengesThe Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Smart DevicesLet's start with the fact that artificial intelligence is already deeply embedded in our daily lives. These technologies allow smart devices to become increasingly intelligent and better adapted to our needs. AI gives devices the ability to learn, analyze data and make decisions,…
How to cultivate inner happiness and let it grow: 7 effective tips
Mindfulness and focus on the present are very important aspects that can help you find inner happiness and peace. Mindfulness practices, which involve focusing attention on the present and your senses, can help reduce anxiety about the past or the future. By practicing mindfulness regularly, you can become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and body sensations, which leads to greater self-discipline and self-control. Focusing on your daily activities can also bring more joy and satisfaction. When you perform routine tasks with focus and awareness, you can better appreciate small,…
The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: How to Ensure Technology is Used Rightly
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are developing rapidly and are increasingly penetrating our daily lives. These technologies can help solve many important problems, but they also pose ethical challenges. It is important to ensure that AI is used responsibly and ethically to ensure human rights, equality and transparency. One of the main concerns is that AI technologies can have unintended consequences that may violate human dignity or rights. For example, AI can be used for discriminatory profiling or decision-making, which can have negative...
Artificial intelligence in the world of cinema: what does the future hold for filmmakers and viewers?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly important part of the filmmaking world these days. From screenwriting to special effects, AI tools and technologies are changing the traditional filmmaking process. First, AI helps screenwriters and creative teams generate new ideas and improve existing scripts. Artificial intelligence can analyze huge databases, recognize popular topics and trends, which allows developers to create unique and interesting stories. In addition, AI can help directors plan the filming process, optimize filming...
What is a good poem? Analysis of the 5 most important criteria
A. Definition of Poetry B. Importance of Poetry in Literature Poetry is one of the oldest forms of art that allows people to express their feelings, thoughts and ideas. It is an art that uses the rhythm, sounds, metaphors and symbols of language to create an aesthetic and emotional impact on the reader. Poetry is an important part of literature because it can inspire, move and make people think about the fundamental questions of life. What is a poem? A. Definition of a poem B. Characteristics of a poem A poem is a short literary genre that uses special language and stylistic techniques,...
Artificial intelligence and human spiritual development: what will the future hold?
The modern world is full of technological innovations that change the way we live and think. One of these innovations, which is developing particularly rapidly, is artificial intelligence. This technological breakthrough has a great impact not only on our daily lives, but also on our spiritual development. Artificial intelligence can have both positive and negative effects on human spiritual life. On the one hand, it can make our daily life easier, provide new opportunities and broaden our horizons. But on the other hand, too much dependence on technology can weaken our...